The price of gas is hovering near a dollar off and on and I'm seeing more job postings trickle through at work. U.S. news is riddled with other issues such as Health Care Reform. I think this might be it. This might be the first dilation of the pupil of my eye in reaction to a hint of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I've been lucky enough not to feel a lot of the impact of the 'economic downturn' aside from the innundation of the associated catch-phrases that is unavoidable and the constant employer excuses for cutting costs more than ever. Considering my company also claims to be doing 100% great in the current circumstances I'm not sure the Scrooge & Marley treatment is validated.
Aside from light tunnels and Charles Dickens references it has been an okay summer. I saw some enjoyable movies this season that were not franchises. I was sure that day was done. Either I'd have to stoop to Twilight or Harry Potter, I was resigned. Luckily The Hangover and District 9 stepped up to deliver some good, original, experiences, while Star Trek positively surprised me for a franchise.
As far as seasons go, this one has been somewhat violent. Sudden terrible thunderstorms were a bit more prevalent than I recall and it certainly seemed like World Epic Fail Hour (WEFH) was finally at hand on more than one night. We'll have to see what the season of Winter beholds once we are completely done with the season of Construction in a month or two.